REPORTAGE: i cento passi - anti mafia in sicily
The Hundred Steps
100 steps was the distance that separated the house of Peppino Impastato, journalist and victim of the mafia, from the one of the mafia boss Gaetano "Don Tano" Badalamenti.
100 steps, "Cento Passi", is today the name of a quality winecellar producing wine from cultivated land confiscated from the mafia.
In 1995 the association Libera - Names and Numbers Against the Mafia promoted the law number 109, signed by more than one million citizens, approved since 1996, allowing the reuse of social and productive assets confiscated from the mafia.
It's in the area of Corleone that the two social cooperatives "Placido Rizzotto" and "Pio La Torre" (the names of two assassinated anti-mafia activists) produces wine, pasta and vegetables, but first of all they work daily to build an anti-mafia culture through workshops with thousands of youngsters from all over Italy and Europe participating every year.